標題 : 康樂圖書館借閱事宜
內容 : 圖書館借閱服務-借閱規則 1. 同學需持個人學生證借閱圖書館資料。 Student should use their own student ID card to borrow library materials. 2. 同學每人可外借最多五項圖書館資料。 Student may borrow a maximum of five items of library materials. 3. 外借圖書館資料,每次限期10天。 Library materials for lending my be borrowed for a period of 10 days. 4. 逾期歸還書籍,每本每天罰款0.5元。 An overdue fine ($0.5 per day) is imposed on each day and every loan item. 5. 每項圖書館資料只可續借一次。同學可攜同該資料親身到圖書館或到圖書館網頁續借。 Each loan item may be renewed once only. Students can come to the library in person or through the Internet to renew books.
附件 : 圖書館使用手則(1).pptx
刊登時間 : 2023-10-14
作者 : 曾淑婷